Olivia is a 16-year-old super cutie who grew up in Sydney. She spent most of her formative adolescent years in London and feels that has largely impacted on who she is today in terms of her interests (fashion), personality and tastes. She’s still a “Sydney girl at heart”, though.
The one word she can’t stop saying at the moment is ‘Mahalo’ because while “it doesn’t mean much, it’s fun to say.” *Says Mahalo out loud five times and nods enthusiastically in agreement.* Her biggest idol is her sister, the most important thing to her in life is her family, and she vibes the internet because it “gives you access to so many different styles and genres.”
The major qt isn’t about the button-down life and tries to hit up new places on the regular, meaning that she spends most of her weekends “dragging my friends on every mode of public transport there is… you should seem my TO GO LIST on my phone.” Tbh, we’d love nothing more.
She’d ideally like to play the role of herself in a film about her life, but if that wasn’t viable she’d be content taking her pick from whoever showed up. The best piece of advice she’s ever been given also happens to be the advice we wish we’d been given in year 7, which is: “Don’t touch your eyebrows!!!” To her, being ‘cool’ is “all about not letting other people's opinion affect what you want to do and who you want to be. Whatever you think the definition of cool is and then sticking to it.” Slay.
Words: Maddy Woon Images: Chloe Hill
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Shot on location at Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia