Cutest human Maya is originally from Ballina—after growing up in the bush for the first years of her life, she moved between Sydney and Newcastle, where she went to high school. Her childhood was marked by freedom—to make decisions, to explore, to create.
“I had a lot of freedom growing up, so I guess it made me more aware of the decisions I make and how they will impact other people’s lives, as well as my own. It also gave me the attitude to just make and create whatever I pleased without judgement.”
There’s always bound to be disagreements when you’re blessed/cursed with siblings, and Maya says there was a fair share in her house growing up. “Like is definitely more volatile with 5 girls in a house”, she concedes, but while they fought over petty things when they were younger, she feels that as her and her sisters have matured, they’re become way tighter. In her words, they have a bond like none other.
When she’s not modelling, the self-proclaimed ‘chiller’ likes to keep a low profile. She’s happiest reading a book, listening to music or hanging out with the people she loves most. Her favourite spot to hang is the beach, because she loves “relaxing in the sun and connecting to the ocean”, and her thought pattern when getting dressed is dependent on “whatever I’m feeling that day, G!” but she priorities comfort and colour over everything else.
Looking to the future, she’s most excited about new beginnings and the freedom to travel more. “Modelling is opening up a lot of really exciting opportunities, so I’m looking forward to pursuing them further.” The most important life lesson she’s learnt is:
“Always follow your instincts, your subconscious is more powerful than you think—also, don’t be phased by others and focus on your journey.”
Wise! Above all, she’d like to be remembered for always being true to herself and to those she loves.
To Maya, cool means nothing. Or moreover, that “everyone has their own idea of cool—[so] what’s cool is being brave enough to stick to your own idea of cool and not being afraid to show it or what others might think of it.” Legend!
Words: Maddy Woon Images: Sarah Adamson Fashion: Miguel Urbina Tan
Maya is represented by:
Shot on location at Balmoral Beach in Sydney, Australia