Hello, and welcome to the future! Can you even believe we’ve arrived in 2020? I can’t. Finally, after 10 years of not being able to refer to the decade we’re in—“the 10s” didn’t exactly roll of the tongue, did it?—we can all now proudly say that we made it into the Roaring 20s.
ICYMI, 2020 is the Year of the Mouse according to Chinese Zodiac and Gucci is here to celebrate with a dedicated collection featuring ya boy Mickey Mouse. While Karen from Mean Girls’ Halloween costume (where she dressed as a mouse, duh) rendered her a worthy contender, there was no one more qualified for the job than our favourite furry friend. Trust Gucci to take illustrations of the original dad of Disney and turn them into super fresh, luxury designs. We see what you’re doing, Gucci—nostalgic childhood memories, but make it high fashion—and we approve.
We joined in the Lunar celebrations by dressing Ukrainian model/all-round tops human Stacy up in our favourite pieces from the collection. Once you’re done making a mental list of everything you want from the collection above, get to know the angel and her hometown of Chervonohrad better—in English and Ukrainian—below. Spoiler: It’s highly probable that you’ll want to pack your bags and jump on the next flight to Ukraine by the end of our chat.
Where are you from originally and where are you based?
I’m from Chervonohrad, Ukraine. It’s a small town in the western part of the country. I can’t really say that I’m based anywhere, because I travel a lot. I’m in a new country every 2-3 months. But yes, in between, I go back to Ukraine to visit my family and friends and to get new visas.
Родом я з України, з невеликого містечка Червоноград, що знаходиться на заході країни. Не можу сказати, що я десь "базуюсь", оскільки дуже багато подорожую. Кожні 2-3 місяці - нова країна. Але так, між поїздками я повертаюсь в Україну, щоб відвідати сім‘ю і друзів та отримати нові візи.
Where would you take someone visiting your hometown for the first time?
I would take them to the city center. It’s a mix of Soviet buildings and modern cafes. I would show them the historical part of the town—in particular, the Potocki Palace and St Volodymyr's Cathedral. For a visual dessert, I would take them to the Bug River. You can see dozens of swans there every winter.
Я б показала центр міста - мікс радянських будівель та сучасних кафе, історичну частину міста - Замок Потоцьких та Церкву Св. Володимира, річку Західний Буг.
Best place to eat, drink and shop in Ukraine?
Welcome to Lviv, the culture capital of Ukraine! The Old Town is the heart of the city where you will find plenty of coffee houses, restaurants, pubs, book stores and shops.
Ласкаво просимо до Львова - культурної столиці України! В історичному центрі Львова ви зможете знайти дуже багато кав‘ярень, ресторанів, пабів та магазинів.
What is one thing about Ukraine that you think would surprise most people?
Christmas in Ukraine is celebrated on the 7th of January. It is because, like many countries where the main Church is the Orthodox Church, they use the old 'Julian' calendar for their church festivals.
В Україні християни східного обряду (православні та греко-католики) традиційно святкують Різдво Христове за юліанським календарем - 7 січня.
Three reasons we should visit?
Beautiful architecture, picturesque nature, delicious food.
Красива архітектура, мальовнича природа, смачна їжа.
What achievements are you most proud of from 2019?
I’m happy that I had the chance to visit more than ten countries in 2019. I met so many awesome people.
Я дуже рада, що мала змогу відвідати більше, ніж 10 країн в 2019 і познайомитись з неймовірними людьми.
The Lunar New Year is fast approaching. What are you most excited for in the Year of the Mouse (2020)?
In 2020 I’m most excited to spend more time with my family and friends and finally be based somewhere [laughs].
У 2020 я хочу більше часу проводити з сім‘єю та друзями, а також нарешті знайти домівку.
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?
Yes. I believe in love, honesty, responsibility and kindness.
Так. Я вірю в любов, чесність, відповідальність і доброту.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
As my mom says, “Measure seven times, cut once”.
Як каже моя мама: «Сім разів відміряй, один раз відріж».
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Make coffee.
Готую каву.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be Syrnyky, a traditional meal in Ukraine. Syrnyky are fried quark pancakes, garnished with sour cream, jam, honey or applesauce.
Як би я могла їсти лише одну страву протягом життя, то це були б сирники, одна зі традиційних страв української кухні.
Сирники — це підсмажені млинці з домашнього сиру та борошна.
Зазвичай до столу сирники подають зі сметаною, варенням, медом або яблучним повидлом.
What’s the coolest or most interesting thing you’ve learned recently?
I’m still learning how to shoot on film camera with manual settings.
Я вчусь фотографувати на плівковий фотоапарат з робочими налаштуваннями.
What does ‘cool’ mean to you?
If you are kind and have a good sense of humour, then you are cool.
Якщо ти добрий та з хорошим почуттям гумору - ти крутий.
Feature: Madeleine Woon Photos & Fashion: Imogen Wilson Fashion Assistant: Greta Stewart
Stacy is represented by Chadwick